How You Start Your Day and Week Makes a Difference!

“It’s Monday. I can’t believe I have to get out of bed and go to work again. Shoot me.”
“ALRIGHT!! It’s Monday. Another chance to get out there and make stuff happen. Today is gonna be a great day!”

I understand that not everyone loves their job as much as I do. And that’s okay. But whether you love what you do or not (by the way, if you don’t I urge you to find something to do that does get you excited) your first thoughts on Monday, and every day, make a huge difference in how your day and week will tend to go.

Your brain is always listening to what you’re saying to it. “I’m such an idiot.” “I’m a loser.” “I have so much debt.” When you fill your head with thoughts like this you actually attract more of it into your life. You’ll keep doing stupid things, losing, and taking on more debt.
Conversely, when you fill your head with positive thoughts you tend to attract positive things.

You can talk yourself into or out of almost anything. I once jumped out of an airplane from 12,500 feet. I had wanted to for years and took 8 hours of training. But when they opened the door of the airplane, as I was sitting with my legs hanging out of it, the little voice in my head started telling me all the reasons I shouldn’t do it. Scared is an understatement! (exhilarated, but scared) It took me a minute or so but I gently changed the conversation in my head to, “You’ve been wanting to do this for years, you’ve been trained, you’ve got experts next to you to help if anything goes wrong (it DID) and all it takes is one small lean forward out the door.” And that’s what I did. An incredible experience that has served me well many times over the years whenever I was afraid to do something. (“You jumped out of an airplane from almost 2.5 miles up…I think you can ask that pretty girl to dance”)

You can talk yourself into a great day or out of it. Having a morning ritual can be very useful. I start each morning by reciting a litany of positive things, out loud, as I walk my dog. I have a smile on my face (literally, because smiling releases happy chemicals like endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin) as I talk to myself. My neighbors may think I’m crazy, but I don’t care…most of my days go pretty damn well, and it’s at least partly because I set them up right.

Give it a try. Rather than starting your day by whining about having to go to work, try saying some positive stuff to yourself. See if your days don’t improve!