I think we’ve all been there. You do a great job of working with your prospect, you’ve worked with them through the sales process and everything has been going perfectly. You get to the end, and they ask the dreaded […]
What Should I Consider When Looking for My Next Sales Gig?
I’m often asked for advice by sales reps, often those who are unhappy at their current company, looking for guidance as to what type of company they should work for. Here a just a few things to consider: 1) Do […]
An Easy Way to Stand Out from the Crowd
Every seller wants to be able to express what makes their product or service different. Understanding differentiation helps prospects turn themselves into customers. But it’s not always easy to make claims that differentiate you from your competitors. Especially if you […]
Insatiable Curiosity
I’ve been giving a lot of thought lately to what makes the best salespeople good at what they do. Here are a few of the characteristics that almost all great salespeople seem to have and some thoughts on how […]