Good morning, and welcome to the last quarter of 2024! I’m assuming your year has been going great and that you are at least 3/4 of the way to your annual goal. Well done. You’ve been prospecting consistently and effectively […]
“Can You Do Better On the Price?”
“Can you do better on the price?” You get to the end of the sale and they ask the dreaded question: “Can you do any better on the price?” Your palms get sweaty, and the thought in your head is, […]
The Value of Your Time
One of the things I work on with my private and group coaching clients is time management. As salespeople we need to protect our time like a mother lion protects her cubs. We need to constantly be focused on revenue […]
If You Ever Want the Chance to Connect With Me On a Cold Call
Cold Calling works if you do it right. Want to connect with me on a cold call? 1) Don’t use a predictive dialer and make me wait 5-10 seconds until I hear you say, “Hi, is this Jeff?” after I […]