In his book, “Outliers,” Malcolm Gladwell (The author of “Blink” and “The Tipping Point”) takes a look at what makes successful people successful. While there seem to be some factors which we have no control over that can greatly influence […]
Closing the Deal
As a professional sales coach & trainer I am often called by people and companies that want me to teach them how to be better “closers.” They want the tips, techniques, tricks and secrets that will help them close more […]
Attitude is Everything???
It would be hard for anyone in sales to disagree that attitude is important. Without a positive attitude it’s difficult to accomplish all the things we need to accomplish each day, week and month as salespeople. But how does one […]
Enthusiasm is Contagious
Enthusiasm, like confidence, is contagious. When you’re speaking with prospects about your offer, are you excited or bored? Are you presenting as if to say, “I’ve done this presentation 10,000 times…would you please just buy and put me out of […]