As I travel, I meet with people all over the world and something has become apparent to me recently. Our view of ourselves is often disconnected from the way others view us. This might seem obvious to you. Other people […]
If the key to selling is asking the right questions, and plenty of them, then the key to being a better question-asker is to make it more conversational. Nobody likes to be interrogated. It brings pictures to mind of movies […]
How You Start Your Day and Week Makes a Difference!
“It’s Monday. I can’t believe I have to get out of bed and go to work again. Shoot me.” or “ALRIGHT!! It’s Monday. Another chance to get out there and make stuff happen. Today is gonna be a great day!” […]
The Fortune Is In the Follow-Up
How many times have you heard that? I’m often asked, when it comes to following up, “How often is too often?” There’s no hard and fast rule, and we want to be sure to walk the fine line between paying […]