Depending on which “guru” you listen to there can be four steps to the sales process, 6 steps, 9 steps or more. But there’s one step that I believe in which is almost always overlooked by salespeople. It’s the quickest […]
Thanksgiving is Over So You May as Well Stop Selling
Thanksgiving is Over So You Can’t Sell Until the New Year??? So often I hear things from salespeople like, “Jeff, what am I going to do? You can’t sell during the summer, because everyone’s on vacation.” I hear that A […]
Accountability Partners – A Secret Weapon for Achieving Your Goals
Do you find yourself having the best of intentions to get things done (e.g. – cold call, exercise, meditate, eat healthy, lose weight) and simply not finding the inner commitment to follow through? It would be great if we never […]
Conversational Selling Skills – The Three Characteristics of All Top Salespeople
We’ve all heard it: ”If you want to be great at selling you’ve got to become a great presenter, and a strong closer.” I disagree. The ability to clearly and concisely present your ideas, product, or service is necessary. And, […]