Why Am I Not Closing More Business???

Did you ever ask yourself, “I’m good at selling…why am I not closing more business?”

While there are a wide variety of reasons why a salesperson isn’t living up to their income potential, in many cases I’ve found it’s that the salesperson treats selling as their job instead of their career.

When you have a job you go to work from 9:00 to 5:00 and, in many cases, do the minimum work needed to get by and keep that job. When you treat your job like a career you invest in yourself to excel at that career. I’ve studied salespeople for almost 50 years. Top performers tend to have certain traits and characteristics that TEND to make them better at selling, but they also do the work. They learn all they can about prospecting and selling in order to maximize their opportunities. They go for what Tony Robbins calls CANI: Constant And Never-ending Improvement.

If you know you have room for improvement ask yourself…”When was the last time I”

1) Read a book about selling?
2) Invested in an online course and actually watched it?
3) Watched FREE training videos on YouTube?
4) Attended a workshop or seminar?
5) Spoke with a mentor?
6) Hired a coach?
7) Worked with an Accountability Partner?

You do NOT have to be stuck at your current income level but very little will change if you don’t take action. Invest in yourself.

Sales is a great career, and here’s why: Every morning you get to wake up, look yourself in the mirror, and give yourself a raise. Then all you have to do is go out and earn it.