What Stops You From Being Even More Successful in Sales???

What prevents you from being even more successful in sales?

As a sales coach and trainer, the answer I get most often is, “Me.” And it’s hard to argue with that. In many, if not most, cases we are our own worst enemy.

Ask yourself:

1) Am I prospecting for new business consistently and effectively?

2) Am I spending or investing my time?

3) Am I investing in my own success by reading books, attending seminars, watching videos?

4) Am I focused on why I can’t succeed (“It’s the economy” “It’s the interest rates” “Its ______…”)?

5) Am I chasing deals with people who aren’t returning my calls or emails?

6) Am I working on not just my skills, but also my mindset?

If it’s true that we are our own worst enemy it’s also true that we are the answer to anything that stands in the way of our success.

Sales is a game of making things happen. Get out there and MAKE SALES HAPPEN!!
(and if you need help, get it. There are plenty of people who can give you the assistance you need. I can introduce you to a bunch of them)