It’s ALD!!

If you’re reading this in America it’s officially ALD. When I was younger (much younger) and was spending my summers in Fire Island we used to say that if you met someone over the summer and the relationship made it ALD (After Labor Day) you had a shot of having a long-lasing relationship, as opposed to a summer fling. I met a girl at Fire Island, we made it past ALD, and a year later she became my wife. (10 years later she became my ex-wife, but that’s a story for another day)

Okay USA…it’s after Labor Day and you know what that means….it’s the race to the end of the year. You’ve got 1/3 of 2024 left to achieve your goals. And in less than two months it will be Thanksgiving. Then Christmas. Then New Year’s. With all the excuses and stalls you typically hear from prospects at that time of year.

NOW is the time to let the summer go and make the most of the next 4 months.

NOW is the time to prospect like crazy (before you start getting the “Call me after the holidays” stall).

NOW is the time to move the deals you’ve been working on to Closed.

NOW is the time to get the help you need if you’ve fallen behind. Speak with and get help from your manager. Read a sales book. Go to a workshop. Watch a YouTube video. Do SOMETHING to increase your skills and increase your sales.

You CAN achieve, or exceed, your quota/budget/goal but if you’re not on track to do so…GET BUSY!!