If You Ever Want the Chance to Connect With Me On a Cold Call

Cold Calling works if you do it right. Want to connect with me on a cold call?

1) Don’t use a predictive dialer and make me wait 5-10 seconds until I hear you say, “Hi, is this Jeff?” after I just answered the phone and said, “Hi, this is Jeff.” Immediate hang up for me.

2) Don’t start with, “How are you today?” Did you really call to find out how I am? Respect my time (and yours) and get to the point.

3) Don’t start with, “We’re calling local businesses in Long Beach to…” Thanks for letting me know you have no idea who I am or what I do and that I’m one of a million other dials you’re making today. Damn I feel special! (not)

4) Don’t pull stupid, lying crap like, “Hi I’m calling from your copier company. Can you please go over to your copier and let me know what model you have?” If you’re calling from my copier company wouldn’t you know what you sold me? By the way…I bought both of my copiers at Staples.

5) Do use permission-based marketing. “Hi Jeff…I’m sure I caught you at a busy time, but if you’ll give me just 30 seconds I’ll explain why I’m calling and at the end of the 30 seconds I’ll ask if you feel like we should continue the conversation, and if you say ‘No’ I’ll thank you for your time and hang up. Just 30 seconds…if that fair enough Jeff?” I’ll give anyone 30 seconds.

6) If you do #5 then keep your word. Get to the point and let me know why you called me. “I’m with JG&A. We’re a sales training and coaching firm. We help companies like yours get measurable and sustainable sales increases. Should we continue the conversation, Jeff?”

7) Alternatively (to #6) you can use, “I’m with JG&A. We’re a sales training and coaching firm. A lot of the VP’s of Sales I’m speaking with are telling me they have two big challenges…their sales cycle takes too long and their salespeople aren’t getting enough appointments with Decision-Makers. Are either of these an issue for you?”

Cold calling works. It should be part of most salespeople’s outbound marketing mix. But only if you do it right.