How/When to Discount

Discounting is not a strategy

Many of my clients tell me they discount regularly in order to close deals. Here’s how often I discount: NEVER. When I tell you my fee, that’s my fee.

Selling on price is a poor strategy. When you sell on price, you die on price. If you get a deal because you’re a few pennies cheaper than their current provider, when someone else comes along and saves them a few more pennies, they’ll leave you too.

Want to sell without having to discount? Learn a sales process that works, and make sure you’re focused on establishing rapport with your prosects, then showing them the value in doing business with you. That’s what people buy: relationship and value. Be interested in them, don’t make it all about you, your company, or your product or service. Be genuine. Be transparent. Have real conversations rather than pitching. Share why you believe them investing in what you have to offer is going to save them time, make them more efficient/effective, make them more profitable.

Stop giving away money. It hurts your company’s profitability and hurts your paycheck if you work on commission.