Enthusiasm is Contagious

Enthusiasm, like confidence, is contagious.

When you’re speaking with prospects about your offer, are you excited or bored? Are you presenting as if to say, “I’ve done this presentation 10,000 times…would you please just buy and put me out of my misery?” or is it more like, “F*** YEAH!! When you get my product it’s gonna rock your world!!”

I’m not suggesting for a second you have to be “over the top.” You don’t have to sound like a morning radio DJ, “HEY…IT’S JEFF IN THE MORNING WITH YA…NEWS AND TRAFFIC NEXT!”

What I am suggesting is that you put yourself in the shoes of your prospect. If you were listening to yourself would you be bored to tears? Would you be wondering, “So what?” Would you be thinking, “What’s In It for Me?” (The WIIFM)

If people don’t get excited about what you have to offer them they’re not going to part with their money.

There are many ways to express enthusiasm if you’re not naturally enthusiastic like me (see pic above).

  1. Increase the volume a little
  2. Increase your rate of speed while speaking
  3. Or simply say, “I’m really excited about what I have to show you today and I know you will be too.”

You can always tell when a salesperson passionately believes in what they sell. They ARE confident. They ARE enthusiastic. And it shows. And it’s contagious.

Put a little “oomph” into your presentations!