Don’t Thank Prospects for their Time

Do you start sales call by thanking your prospects for their time?


When you start a meeting with, “Thanks so much for meeting with me today…I know you’re busy so I’ll get right to the point. Let me tell you why Jeff Goldberg & Associates is the greatest sales training and coaching firm on the planet,” you’ve elevated your prospect, which means you’ve lowered yourself in their eyes. Why would people choose to do business with you…to TRUST you, when you’re immediately putting them on a pedestal and yourself below them?
In almost 50 years of selling I’ve come to learn that many of the things most of us were taught aren’t true. If someone is going to buy your product or service they need to respect and trust you. They do not need to bowed down to.


Instead of, “Thanks for your time,” try starting your meeting with, “I’m really glad we could invest this time together today.”

When I say the word “invest,” what pops into your mind? There’s a darn good chance that “Return on Investment” is what comes to mind when you hear “invest.” By using this phrase you’re psychologically saying, “The time we invest together today should pay off for you.” It’s a much better way to start a meeting. You’ll know you’ve done a good job on your sales call if your prospects THANKS YOU for your time. 😉