Closing the Deal

I’ve been asked SO many times, “Jeff, what are the magic words to close the deal?”

Magic words? There are none.

Want to learn how to close more business? Learn a sales process that works. Closing is the natural outcome of the sales process done right. The goal of every sales process should be to get to the end and have your prospect say, “Sounds good…sign me up!” But it usually doesn’t work that way…you usually still have to ask for their business.

Here’s my simple and straightforward close, from Conversational Selling Skills…after reviewing what you’re going to do for your prospect ask, “In my professional opinion that’s the plan that makes sense to me and what I believe we should do to move forward…what do you think?”

Than do the most difficult thing for sellers to do: SHUT UP

Closing isn’t magic if you do the sales process right.