But I’m Only a Minute Late

After so many years of selling and working with salespeople there are many things which are second nature to me…fundamental. In fact…almost everything I share with salespeople when I train or coach them is the fundamentals.

Here’s something that’s fundamental to sales: BE ON TIME.
It’s stunning to me that I need to say this, but I find that many people have a very loose relationship with time.

If you arrange an interview to possibly get a new job, BE ON TIME.

If you have to be at a weekly sales meeting, BE ON TIME.

If a prospect is willing to meet with you, BE ON TIME.

If you say you’re going to send a proposal, BE ON TIME.

Whatever you do, BE ON TIME.

There are some who say if you’re not fifteen minutes early, you’re late. I disagree. It’s fine to be 15 minutes early, but you’re not late…you’re 15 minutes early. Being a little early usually makes sense, but just BE ON TIME.

The airport theory of time management:

You can show up at the airport one minute late, with the best excuse in the world, and it doesn’t matter. The plane took off.
(Let’s set aside the fact that you may luck out because the flight is delayed)