Focus On Features?

Struggling to close more deals? Having a hard time hitting your numbers?
Here’s a tip I’ve shared with countless salespeople over the years: Stop selling features and start selling outcomes.
In 50 years of working with salespeople (selling, managing, coaching, training) I can tell you this: Prospects don’t care about your product’s bells and whistles – they want to know how it solves their problems and makes their lives better. How it saves them time, makes them more efficient and effective, how it MAKES THEM MONEY.
Too often, I see reps get caught up in the details of what their product is instead of focusing on what it does.
You didn’t buy a car because it has a steering wheel or tires…you bought it because it takes you from Point A to Point B without you having to walk, take a bus, call an Uber, or take the corporate jet. Prospects turn into clients when they understand the benefits of what your product or service has to offer.
Want to close more business? Talk about Features but focus on Benefits.