Does It Make Sense???

A client of mine, remarking on something he had read on LinkedIn, said “Make it make sense.” While this sounds very simple, when it comes to selling it’s brilliant.

We do everything we do because it MAKES SENSE to do those things.

We eat because we’re hungry and it MAKES SENSE to eat if we’re hungry. We sleep because we’re tired and it MAKES SENSE to sleep when we’re tired.

We also buy stuff because it makes sense, and we do business with people we like and trust because it makes sense.

If you ask the right questions, and listen to your prospect’s answers, you’ll discover what makes sense to them and you can then show them why your solution will make better sense for them. A better way makes better sense and if people buy because it makes sense (and they do) this prospect should become your client. This does not mean everyone will become your customer, but you’ll close far more business than the way the typical salesperson sells.

If you want your prospects to buy from you, MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!