An Easy Way to Stand Out from the Crowd

Every seller wants to be able to express what makes their product or service different. Understanding differentiation helps prospects turn themselves into customers. But it’s not always easy to make claims that differentiate you from your competitors. Especially if you sell a commodity.

Want a way to show you’re “different?”


We’re living in a time of change at light speed. Computers, email, AI, social media, and more allow us to communicate in ways that weren’t available when I started selling, almost 5 decades ago. Things happen quickly, and responding to inquiries in almost real-time is essential to success. But if you want to stand out from the crowd, start using handwritten Thank You notes with your prospects, customers, and connections.

Email is fast and easy, but do you feel differently when someone wishes you Happy Birthday on LinkedIn or Facebook than when someone buys a card, writes on it, puts a stamp on the envelope and mails it to you? I’m betting you do. It shows more caring. It takes more effort. And that effort is rewarded with an increase in connection and appreciation.

Sending handwritten thank you notes sets you apart from the vast majority if sellers who are using email for their Thank You wishes. And isn’t that what we’re looking for? Differentiation?

Go buy a box of thank you notes and look for reasons to send them. “Thanks for investing some time to meet with me. I look forward to working with you.” “Thanks very much for choosing to work with me and my company!” “Great meeting you at the networking event. I’ll be looking for opportunities to recommend you to others.”

I promise you’ll stand out from the crowd!