If you've read my newsletter before you already know
that I typically discuss techniques to get more
appointments, shorten your sales cycle or close more
business. This month I intend to take on all three of
those areas but not with "typical" technique training.
It would be hard for anyone in sales to disagree that
attitude is important. Without a good, positive attitude
it's difficult to accomplish all the things we need to
accomplish each day, week and month as
salespeople. But how does one develop a good
attitude if you don't already have one? (by the way...if
you don't already have one perhaps it's time to think
about a career change!) One way is to get rid of
"self-limiting" beliefs.
Self-limiting beliefs are thoughts we have about
ourselves that get in the way of our success. It's that
little voice in your head that is talking to you on a fairly
consistent basis, telling you all the reasons why you
can't, or shouldn't, succeed. (If you're wondering what
little voice in your head I'm talking about, it's the one
that just asked you, "What little voice is he talking
Salespeople need confidence. Confidence in their
product, (or service) confidence in themselves and
confidence in their ability to have a discussion with
potential customers that ends with the customer
choosing to do business with them. Unfortunately, we
often sabotage ourselves without knowing it.
How many times have you left a sales meeting, after
losing the sale, and had the "little voice" in your head
say something like, "I blew it." Or, "I'm such a
loser," "I'm such an idiot," "I stink at selling," or
something like that? In and of themselves, those are
just words but the problem is that your subconscious
(or unconscious) mind is always listening to the
things you say, whether out loud or only in your head.
Say things enough times, either positive or negative,
and your brain starts to believe them.
When you tell yourself, "I'm an idiot," or "I stink,"
enough times your subconscious mind begins to
believe it and starts manifesting behaviors to match
your internal language. If you tell yourself that you're
an idiot, eventually your actions will start to prove it
Luckily, the reverse is also true. Get inside the mind of
an Olympic athlete and your likely to hear things
like, "I'm a winner," "I'm confident in my ability to finish
the race first," or "I'm the greatest." Remember
Mohammed Ali? While his ego certainly played a part
in his constant declaration, "I'm the greatest," it was
also a brilliant way to constantly tell his mind what he
wanted it to hear, and believe, so that his mind and
body would act accordingly.
Would you like to change your success in sales?
Change your internal self-talk. Each time you catch
yourself speaking negatively to yourself, gently turn it
into a positive statement. Turn, "I stink at sales,"
into, "I am an expert salesperson who helps my
clients achieve success." If you've done something
stupid (we all do occasionally) turn, "I'm an idiot,"
into, "I'm brilliant and I made a mistake." DO NOT get
down on yourself...this technique takes time and effort
but will pay off with big results.
Your beliefs and internal dialogue can make a huge
difference in your overall attitude and your paycheck.
Give it a try for two weeks and see if it makes a
difference. Write to me and let me know your results.
Until then, Make It Happen! Jeff
If you're interested in learning how to coach yourself to
achieving any goal, you can buy my new book, "How
To Be Your Own Coach:6 Simple Questions to
Achieving Your Goals" here. www.be-your-own-coach.com