Thanksgiving has passed and as we look forward to
the end of the year most of us are thinking about
finishing this year big and starting off 2007 with a
bang! In fact, unless you have a highly transactional
sale, 2006 is already a memory. With 5 weeks to go
until New Year's it's likely that you've already started
the sales cycle on any sales you expect to close
between now and December 31. Unless your sales
cycle is less than 4 weeks any prospect you begin
working with now won't close until after January 1.
With that in mind, NOW is the time to
be taking stock and planning for next year. What did
you do right this year? What will you do differently
next year? What goals did you set this year? Did
you achieve them? If so, how? If not, why not? What
goals will you set for 2007 and what will be your plan
for reaching and exceeding them? If you think it's too
soon to have to "worry" about that type of thing I
can assure you that New Year's Eve will be here in
the blink of an eye.
One of the things I suggest all salespeople take a
look it is their resources. Ask yourself the questions:
What resources are available to me? Am I making the
best use of them? What can I use to be better
organized? What's available to me in terms of ongoing
training and development? What can I use to keep
me focused? What tools do I have to help me get to
where I want to go?
A tool that salespeople frequently overlook is your
sales manager. Yes, that's right, I said your sales
manager is a tool! No, I'm not talking about "tool" in
the sense that Beavis and Butthead might have used
it in. I'm talking about your sales manager as a
valuable resource to help you reach your goals. Used
properly there may be no greater resource in your
Don't get me wrong. I know that not every sales
manager is brilliant, talented, caring and giving. Some
are, some aren't. But what almost every sales
manager has in common is the sincere desire to help
you make more money. Let's face it, typically when
you make more money your sales manager makes
more money so even if they don't really care
about you personally, they do care about
themselves. You can use that caring (for you or
themselves) to help you excel in the coming year.
Let me give you some things to think about regarding
your manager. One thing you should know is that
most managers would like to devote more time to
training and mentoring. Smart managers know that
the more time they invest in your development, the
better the chances are of you selling more.
Unfortunately, training and development is not the
only thing on your manager's list of things to do.
They have meetings to attend, paperwork to fill out,
more paperwork to analyze, strategizing to do,
recruiting and hiring and a million other things that
keep them busy. As much as your manager probably
wants to spend more time training you they often
can't, simply because there aren't enough hours in
the day. Here's something else to consider, especially
if you're an average sales rep or a superstar. The
person who usually gets the most attention is the
poorer performer because they need it the most.
While your manager wants to help everyone on the
team improve, they have to choose where to spend
their time carefully and that often means that those
reps who aren't doing poorly are left to fend
for themselves.
So, given that your manager probably wants to help
you but doesn't have the time to be proactive about
it, how can you "manage" them better? My first
suggestion is that you arrange a time, between now
and the end of the year, to sit down with your
manager and discuss the past year. Ask them for
help in analyzing what worked and didn't and ask for
suggestions on how you can improve. Let your
manager know you sincerely desire to do
better next
year and that you're very open to any
constructive criticism they have to offer. (of course
you then have to actually BE open to their criticism)
Don't wait for your boss to come to you and suggest
this meeting, you make it happen.
Next, I suggest that you arrange a weekly sit-down
with your supervisor. Explain that you understand
how busy he or she is but that you are
committed to
improvement and would like feedback and advice on
a weekly basis. Set up a weekly 15 minute meeting
where your manager and you can discuss current
problems or situations and possible solutions. Regular
meetings are one of the keys to successful coaching
so make sure that you and your manager both keep
this meeting each week as sacred time.
Finally, I suggest you use your manager to hold you
accountable. Most of us know the things we need to
do to be
successful. If you don't, run (don't walk) to your
manager and ask for advice. If your manager doesn't
know what it takes to be successful, talk to your
manager's manager. Go to the president of the
company if you need to. Call me, I'll help. Find
someone who knows what it takes to be successful
at your job, get their advice and follow it. Once you
know what it takes to succeed at your job you need
to make promises to do those things. Yes, I said
make promises. It seems like we shouldn't have to
promise to do the things we need to do to be
successful but it's human nature, for most of us, to
do things that we enjoy, things that are easy and
often almost anything other than what will
make us succeed. Usually, the things that are most
likely to make us more money (like constant
prospecting, for example) are the things we enjoy
doing the least. By making promises to do those
things we are far more likely to do them. My personal
experience has shown me that when I promise to do
something I almost always do it BUT NOT WHEN I
promises to your manager and ask him or her to hold
you to your word. I've found that while I'm often
willing to break a promise to myself I almost never
break my word to someone else. I'm a member of a 4-
pperson group comprised of business associates and
friends that I greatly respect. We speak on the
phone once per week and make promises to each
other about the professional and personal things we'll
do in the coming week. When we speak the following
week we report on what we did, or didn't do. I can't
tell you how many times it's been one hour before
the weekly call and I am frantically doing the things I
promised to do the week before so that I can get on
the phone with my friends and tell them, proudly,
that I kept my word that week. While I always feel
low when I break a promise to myself, I'm crushed on
the occasions when I report to my colleagues that I
didn't keep my word to them. Your manager can be a
valuable "listener" for your promises and, if you're
anything like me and my three associates, can help
you to keep your word simply because you know you
made your promise to someone other than yourself.
(by the way - if your manager truly isn't a good
person to do this with find someone else who you
respect and make regular promises to them)
Use your manager to help yourself from now until
New Year's and beyond. As someone who has had as
many as 45 direct reports (in a previous career) I
can tell you that it's often as simple as the squeaky
wheel getting the grease. If your boss doesn't
normally offer you the time and attention you need,
let them know what will help you and grab it. Be
committed to your own success and enroll your
manager in it too.
Finish off 2006 strong!
Make It Happen,