As a trainer I often have salespeople approach me
with the following statement: "Jeff, if the company
would just lower our prices I know I would sell
more." Really? Ya think? This is a perfect example of
what Zig Ziglar calls "Stinkin' Thinkin'." Allow me to
explain why.
The company you work for charges money for the
product or service you sell. Unless you work for
thieves (and I know a few of you might) the price you
are required to charge your customer has been
thought about, discussed and analyzed. Your
made a decision to charge whatever you charge
based on many things including what it costs the
company to produce the product or service as well as
how much they have to pay you (and all other
employees) and how much profit the company needs
to make.
By thinking you'll make more sales if your company
lowers their prices you're buying into the incorrect
thought that the number one thing customers care
about is price. WRONG! If all the customer
cared about was price, the lowest priced competitor
would get all the sales. But do they? Nope. If that was
true, Vonage would get all the telecom customers.
Netzero (are they still in business?) would be
everyone's Internet provider. While there are some
customers that will cut your legs off at the knees in
order to save a nickle, that's not most people.
Customers buy two things: Value and
Relationship. (hint - that's such an
important concept I bolded it, italicized it and
underlined it!)
Look at your own life to see if this is true for you. The
last time
you went to buy a car did you look for the cheapest car
you could possibly find? Unless you bought a 20-year-
old used car it's unlikely you bought your car based on
price. Okay, so maybe you wanted a new car. Unless
you bought a Saturn or a Kia you probably didn't
choose your car based on price either.
Since I like the car example let's stick with it a little
longer. I'll bet some of you own nice cars. Very nice
cars. Mercedes, BMW, Lexus, Porsche. If you own one
of those, my question is: "Why didn't you buy a
Saturn?" I'll bet if we were talking to each other right
now you could give me lots of great reasons why you
chose the car you bought instead of a Saturn. (btw - I
have nothing against Saturns or Saturn owners - I'm
just saying it's a relatively inexpensive car compared
to many) Perhaps you'd tell me that your BMW is a
better built car, that it has a better warranty, it's more
comfortable, will last longer, have better resale value,
is more impressive to your friends and neighbors and
a whole host of other reasons why you spent
$70,000.00 for your car instead of 16k. And my point is
not that I think you were foolish to spend
$54,000.00 more for a car than you needed to. My
point is that you saw $54,000.00 more value
in owning a BMW over owning a Saturn. That's what
your customers use to make buying decisions too.
Value. Which means it's our job as salespeople to be
able to clearly show the value of what we offer in a way
that the prospect absolutely understands.
What part does relationship play in the buying
decision? You've probably heard that people buy from
people they like and trust. In almost every case that's
true. Would you buy a product or service from
someone you didn't like or didn't trust. Probably not
unless there was absolutely nowhere else to get it
and it was something you absolutely had to have.
you ever paid more for something, knowing that you
could get it somewhere else for less, because you
like the salesperson? I know I have. I've been using
the same mechanic to work on my cars for the last 8
years. He's not the closest to where I live, in fact he's
rather out of the way for me. For sure he's not the
cheapest. I can get an oil change, and most repairs,
done for less. (not always a lot less, but usually less)
So why do I go to this particular mechanic? Simple. I
trust him. I believe he's amazingly knowledgeable
about cars and what makes them work (or not work)
and I believe he'll never do a repair that I don't need.
He's proven this on numerous occasions. I've come to
him telling him I think I need a brake job and he's
shown me the noise I was hearing was simply
something caught in my hubcap. Another mechanic
might have agreed with my uneducated diagnosis and
done an unneeded, and expensive, brake job. To me,
and I'll bet to you and your customers, knowing that I'm
in good hands and won't be ripped off is worth a few
extra dollars on each transaction.
Want to be a better salesperson? Want to close more
business and make more money? Want to turn
prospects into customers and customers into raving
fans? Spend less time on perfecting your brilliant
presentation. Spend less time on learning closing
tricks that don't work anyway. Spend more time on
establishing, developing and nurturing relationships
with your prospects and customers. Spend more time
learning about their world (what they've done in the
past, what they're doing now, what their trying to
accomplish in the future) and spend more time
figuring out how to show your prospects the value of
what you offer and the brilliance of buying it from you,
even if your price isn't the lowest.
Call or e-mail if you need help in this area or have
questions about how to develop better relationships
or how to show value.
Make It Happen, Jeff