Last week I attended a networking meeting of
the organization I belong to, American
Business Associates. ( I
belong to this organization for three reasons: I
get leads/referrals which turn into business,
the members are a great group of people, and
it's run by the Queen of Networking, Ellen
Volpe. Ellen has dedicated the last 20 years of
her life helping businesspeople connect and
get more business and she is a leading expert
in the field. I'm honored to know her and to be
able to call her a friend.
At this particular meeting Ellen brought up the
subject of the possible upcoming recession
and, with her gracious permission, I'd like to
share some thoughts on how you can prosper
in 2008 even if a recession becomes a reality.
First, it doesn't really matter whether we have
a recession or not. What truly counts is if
people think we're in a recession.
Perception often equals reality and if people
and companies think we're in a recession they
will act as if we are, whether one exists or not.
That means budgets will be tightened or cut
and selling goods and services will, for most of
us, be harder.
Next, what could be a disaster for some could
mean huge opportunity for others.
Unfortunately for me, training is often the first
line item that gets cut when money gets tight.
This doesn't make sense because if it's harder
for the sales team to sell that is the exact time
they should be better equipped to do their
jobs and training is one way to better equip
the sales team. But my opinion doesn't matter
because I don't control the budget at my
client's or prospect's companies. Still, I'm
looking at different, creative ways to market
my services in addition to going back to basics
like cold calling. It might take more calls to find
a prospect but it still works. Let's look at the
other side. While it's tougher for me to sell, if
you offer goods or services that help
companies save time or money the possible
recession could be a boom time for you.
Companies that outsource, like payroll or IT
outsourcing companies, should find the
tightening economy actually helps them. The
point is, it's not necessarily time to panic.
Assess your situation, strategize and adjust
where necessary.
Something else to keep in mind is that you
should consider the 80/20 rule. Most of you
are aware that 80% of your business typically
comes from 20% of your customers. But when
was the last time you evaluated your customer
list and ranked them according to dollar
volume or profitability as it relates to you?
When was the last time you got in contact with
your clients, especially your best clients? The
general rule is that it's between 6 and 8 times
easier and less expensive to sell more to an
existing client than it is to develop a new one.
While you constantly need to add new
business to your client list you should
never make the mistake of
ignoring your current customers. Your
competition isn't ignoring your customers, are
they? (nope, they want to steal them away
from you!) Don't give your clients an excuse or
reason to change vendors. I suggest a well
thought out plan for how to stay "top-of-mind"
with your customers. It's one of the reasons I
send out this newsletter. Keeping in touch can
bring business your way that you might not
otherwise get.
I do business with several divisions of a major
corporation here on Long Island. Two of those
divisions operate out of the same building.
You can bet your bottom dollar that each time
I'm in the building training one of those
divisions I always drop in on the other group to
say hi. I do this for two reasons. One is that I
genuinely like the people I work with at both of
these organizations and it's always a pleasure
to have the chance to chat for a few minutes.
The other is, and I know this for a fact, that I
have gotten business from them that I might
not have otherwise got if it wasn't for the
personal touch of dropping by to say hello. Be
sure to ask for referrals too!
Here's another idea: Find out who sells
non-competing goods or services to your
clients. (ask your clients, they'll tell you) Form
alliances with those people to trade leads.
Whether there's a financial incentive or not
everyone benefits when referrals are passed.
For example, I often sell to the Vice President
of Sales at an organization. In thinking about
who else might sell to them I quickly came up
with premiums/incentives organizations and
people who sell contact management
software. Since I don't compete with those
people there should be no hesitation on their
part, or mine, to trade information on clients
we sell to. It works to everyone's advantage.
Tip: When prospecting or selling to a referral
be extra professional and go out of
your way to make the person who referred you
look good.
Finally, I was having a conversation with one
of my mentors last week. His name is Steve
and he's one of the smartest humans I
personally know. In discussing leads and lead
generation he told me that he had "changed
his philosophy" on cold calling to a more
strategic approach. Rather than call everyone
in the universe hoping to convince them to
take a meeting with you, he advised me
to "Look for the people that are looking for
you." Well, if you've ever attended one of my
seminars you've heard me say you
should, "Look for the fish that are biting."
Similar, but Steve takes it one step further.
There are people out there, right now, who
want what you offer. Sometimes we call this
low-hanging fruit. There's nothing wrong in
going after the low-hanging fruit first. For
some of us, who have a wide universe of
potential prospects (e.g. - I can sell to any
company that has salespeople anywhere in
the world) the low-hanging fruit is probably
enough to keep me busy. For others, with a
small defined territory, it might not be enough
to make your quota for the whole year but it's
certainly a good place to start.
Think strategically. If every rain cloud has a
silver lining then every negative has the
possibility of being turned into a positive. If
you take the time to think and plan, a
recession (whether real or imagined) doesn't
have to hurt.
As always, I'm happy to take your calls and e-
mails with questions. I reply to all calls and e-
mails within 24 hours no matter where in the
world I am.
Now, go out and Make It Happen! Jeff